
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
12 Troth: Heathens Against Hate
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Welcome to the Fall 2018 Troth Podcast. In this episode, we speak with Ethan Stark, director of Heathens Against Hate. Get to know about Heathens Against Hate and visit to the Parliament of world Religion in November 2018
Thanks for listening
Visit the following Social Media for The Troth:
Twitter: @AtTheTroth Facebook: TheTroth1 Website: TheTroth.org
Heathens Against Hate: www.heathensagainst.org
#HeathensAgainstHate #KnowYourHeathens #InclusiveHeathens
Parliament of World’s Religions: www.parliamentofrelgions.org #2018Powr
Declaration 127: www.declaration127.com
ADL (Anti-Defamation League) Southern Poverty Law Center
Music: To Hear the Trumpets Call by Hauk Heimdallsman You can find Hauk on Facebook: @HaukMusic. Music used with permission and copywrite by Hauk.
Host: John Hyatt of Gifts of the Wyrd Podcast on Podbean. GotW is an inclusive Heathen podcast. Facebook: @GiftsoftheWyrd Twitter: @WyrdGifts

Thursday Feb 08, 2018
11 Troth: Frith Forge 2017
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
We speak with Frith Forge co-organizers Robert Schreiwer (Troth Steersman) and Amanda Leigh-Hawkins (International Relations Committee) for a recap of the Frith Forth conference held in October 2017. The conference was a collaboration of the Troth and the Asatru EU Network. The European co-organizer was Haimo Grebenstein of Verein fur Germanisches Heidentum e.V.
There were representatives from organizations from the U.S. and Europe as well as folks who wanted to connect with other leaders and have a good experience. Links to the organizations can be found on the Frith Forge event page. Scroll down to the Participants section and click on the logo to conect to a website.
The Asatru Summer Camp will be held 28 July - 4 August in Gerolstein, Germany. Please see the IASC website for information and booking details. Attendance for the 7-day camp is as low as 230 Euros including accomodations at the youth hostel where it is held. Workshops, blots, activities, and most of all - connection with other inclusive Heathens in a fun and comfortable setting.
Frith Forge was sponsored by The Troth.
Thanks for listening
Visit the following Social Media for The Troth:
Twitter: @AtTheTroth Facebook: TheTroth1
Website: TheTroth.org Troth Blog: The Troth
Intro: To Hear the Trumpets Call by Hauk Heimdallsman Hauk's only link is currently on Bandcamp but you can find him on Facebook @HaukMusic. John Hyatt has some copies of the album featuring this song. email at giftsofthewyrd@gmail.com
Bridge and outgoing pieces from Voluspa by Tonya Threet. available on CDBaby. Facebook page: Tonya Threet
Voluspa: Track 3: Stana 4,5 The Sun, sister of the Moon
Track 10: Stanza 19 Yggdrasil
All music selections on this podcast are written, produced, and copywritten by their respective creators/owners. They are used with permission.
Teutonic Religion by Kveldulf Gundarsson will be released in Spring 2018 by Saga Press. Facebook: @therealsagapress. www.sagapress.ca
Host: John Hyatt of Gifts of the Wyrd Podcast on Podbean. GotW is an inclusive Heathen podcast. Facebook: @GiftsoftheWyrd Twitter: @WyrdGifts

Monday Dec 26, 2016
10 Troth: Yule
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Old traditions and new. Adapting traditions to modern practice or making new Yule traditions that are right for you and your family today.
A traditional song to sing around an apple or adapt to another fruit or nut bearing tree. (I have changed only a couple words of the text to honor the Gods and to make it inclusive to all who will sing.).
Old Apple tree, we'll wassail thee
And hoping thou wilt bear.
The Gods do know where we may go
To be merry another year.
To blow well and to bear well,
And so merry let us be:
Let every one drink up their cup
And health to the old apple tree.
(shouted)Old apple tree we wassail thee and hope that thou wilt bear. Apples now! Hats full! Caps Full! Three bushel bags full! And a little heap under the stair. Three Cheers for the old apple tree - Hip hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
Suggestion for celebrating 12 Days of Yule:
12 Devotional Days of Yule by Dagulf Loptson
Located on Huginn's Heathen Hof.
Our Troth, vol 2. compiled by Kveldulf Gundarsson. 2nd edition (c)2007 printed by The Troth Publications. Available on Amazon Smile.
Idunna: copies are availalb at Lulu.com. PDF $3/Print $6 all are copyright and published by The Troth.
#34 Yule Winter 1997 #74 Yule Fires Winter 2007
#90 The Wild Hunt Winter 2011 #98 German Yule Winter 2013
Thanks for listening
Visit the following Social Media for The Troth:
Twitter: @AtTheTroth Facebook: TheTroth1
Website: TheTroth.org Troth Blog: The Troth
Music: All music selections on this podcast are written, produced, and copywritten by their respective creators/owners. They are used with permission.
Intro: Veginomicon from the album Apple Blossoms and Abandoned Tracks - 2014 by Hauk. www.haukmusic.com; hauk.bandcamp.com
Apple Tree Wassail/Joan to the Maypole. (Harp piece) from the album Wine Country Harpist by Joan Hall 2006. www.thecelticharpist.com Facebook.com/JoantheHarpist
Out going: Apple Wassail from the CD 'Wassail' (FECD125) by John Kirkpatrick and others used by permission of Fellside Recordings. www.fellside.com
Please visit the websites of the artists and support their music.
Host: John Hyatt of Gifts of the Wyrd Podcast on Podbean. Twitter: @WyrdGifts

Tuesday Aug 02, 2016
09 Troth: Interview with Steersman Robert L. Schreiwer - July 2016
Tuesday Aug 02, 2016
Tuesday Aug 02, 2016

Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
08 Troth Skype Moot, 3/2010, Thor
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Heilsa All! Everyone loves Thor! But is he just a mindless manly mover of Mjölnir or is there more to the defender of Midgard? We talk about his parentage, his foes and our personal experiences with Thor. We also note a few different web sites for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_names_of_Thor - Names of Thor http://northvegr.org/ - Sagas and Eddas, by the truckload. The Next Skype Moot will be on April 28, 2010 at 9 PM EST. Topic: “Hospitality”. Wes Thu Hal David Carron

Monday Mar 29, 2010
07 Trothmoot 2010
Monday Mar 29, 2010
Monday Mar 29, 2010
Volkshof Kindred is putting on Trothmoot this year at St. Croix State Park, in Hinckley, MN from June 10th-13th 2010. And it looks like an awesome time, with lots of cool events and local talent. Have a look at: http://www.crystalcoast.net/thetroth/FAQTrothmoot.pdf - FAQ http://www.crystalcoast.net/thetroth/trothmoot.html - Trothmoot 2010 Main Page

Thursday Feb 11, 2010
06 Troth Skype Moot, 1/2010, Sacrifice
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
We just jumped right into the discussion on Sacrifice with a few Trothers. We chatted about current meanings and in the Lore. We talked about a few eddas and sagas. Lots of us had anecdotes and sage advice. We also spoke quite a bit on luck and how that sacrifice plays into that. The Next Skype Moot will be on February 25, 2010 at 9 PM EST. Topic: “Oaths”. Wes Thu Hal David Carron

Monday Jan 11, 2010
05 Troth Skype Moot, 12/2009, Havamal
Monday Jan 11, 2010
Monday Jan 11, 2010
We managed to get a bunch of Trothers to talk about the Havamal. We chatted about our favorite stanzas and our tale on their meaning. We traded stories about the advice given from one of most sacred of texts. We talked about the ethics of drinking, (and I forget about that Heron of Mindlessness). Much fun and silliness ensued. The Next Skype Moot will be on January 14, 2010 at 9 PM EST. Topic: "Sacrifice". Wes Thu Hal David Carron

Monday Dec 07, 2009
04 Troth Skype Moot, 11/2009, Ancestors
Monday Dec 07, 2009
Monday Dec 07, 2009
Heilsa All! We managed to stuff almost 10 people into a single audio chat room to talk about the Ancestors. We shared a number of personal, historical and lore based anecdotes. The Troth members stood up and answered the Big Questions about the Ancestors. Such what to do about that unfortunate family member in your history that you would like to forget and how to really connect with those less known folks in your family. Patty Lafayllve and myself are hoping that this becomes a regular monthly staple in your Heathen audio diet. Wes Thu Hal David Carron

Sunday Dec 21, 2008
03 Happy Yule from the Troth
Sunday Dec 21, 2008
Sunday Dec 21, 2008
Hail one and all! A group of Troth officers and members (and bystanders) got together to discuss the fun, frolic and faith of Yule in 2008. Said folks include, Patty Lafayllve, David Carron, Soli Johnson, Stacey Wilber, Martin "Gerd" Venerator, Mike Hicks, Sandi Carron and the littlest Heathen Kay.